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Sunday, February 6, 2011


I just realized, that I ADORE Domo Kun. If you have NO IDEA who Domo is, you are CRAZY. Domo is the creature seen above ^^ Domo can be easily mistaken for an oversized piece of toast. Although, I love DOMO 8D

Watch this video -----------------------> ^^

Then, watch more videos on YouTube 8D




Saturday, February 5, 2011


Oh my gizzer. That stoopid weatharr man >.> Yesterday it was supposed to snow. The weather man said so. I set my alarm clock to 12:AM, because it was supposed to snow then. I woke up when my alarm clock sounded, and RAN to the window. NO SNOW. I was all: "WHAAAA?!?!" I rubbed my eyes a couple times, but there was still no snow. Apparently there was a HUGE hot air pocket above where I live, melting all the snow. >.> That weather man gave me false hope. 

Another thing that makes me upset, is that, its alright when friends are rude, and mean to you, and they hurt your feelings....But it isn't alright when a parent says it. I mean, I ticked off my dad today and he got pretty mad...He said some hurtful things. So, dad, if you are reading this, I ish sorreh :( 


Friday, February 4, 2011

Meh Doggeh 8D

None of you probably know
this... I have a doggeh. His name ish Bubba! He is 10 years old, so...he ish 70 in doggeh years :) We adopted him, after his old owners were leaving to a country that didn't allow terriers. 

Oh yeah. Bubba is a terrier mix.
He enjoys playing with his toy...but only if it is tied to a string. He isn't usually
a playful dog, but he is loving. I'll be talking more about him.
~Zee <3~

Fuzfee? Lolwut?

Yesh, I bet you, that you are saying to yourself. Fuzfee? Lolwut? Well, to be honest, I don't know. I believe a Fuzfee is a rainbow squirrel, as seen above, but I still have no idea. Fuzfee is also the name of this awesome blog, which will be updated often, with fuzzy & Funny posts 8D This is my ka'billionth blog, so yeah, I'm pretty experienced x3 Be sure to follow me! Thanks for reading,