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Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Cursor!

Hai guys! I created a new custom cursor for Fuzfee! It probably wont show up unless you highlight this text, and then it suddenly will! :D 

Its pretty epic... *Pats self on back* I'll just have to try and fix the highlighting problem!

Continue being happy campers! :D

Friday, August 19, 2011


Remember I told you about FluffyPinata? Here's his blog:

Click me!

Heehee :D 


Hey guys! Its me, Skyzee! I'm posting because I haven't posted in a really long time. 
Bubba is at the vet :'c He has separation anxiety attacks. Sad. Very sad. 

Although, a lot of things are pretty awesome! I'm in middleschool now! An official 6th Grader! 
My locker is pretty lame, but school is fun! I guess..

Here is a codename: FluffyPinata. He's a guy, just FluffyPinata is an inside joke!

So today I printed a picture of a rainbow pinata (Supposed to be a squiggly line on the 'n') 
and handed it to FluffyPinata. Next thing I know, FluffyPinata is trying to get rid of it by handing it to different people! So it was actually really fun, because we kept trying to hand it to each other. I kept shoving it in his locker and stuff! Best day of middleschool! 

Talk to you later!


Friday, August 5, 2011

Sorry 'bout that, Fellers!

Like the title says, I am truly, dearly sorry about not posting here. I've just been so busy lately, going to Hollywood, Pennsylvania, and my home country! Summer was fun, but its almost over now :c Although, my birthday is coming up soon, and I'm pretty happy 'bout it :D

I've also began to write more stories on my typewriter, and I'm wondering whether to publish a full book I have written! I'll tell you more about that later! 

At Pennsylvania I…

  • Went to Gettysburg to see where the battle of Gettysburg took place
  • Went to Philadelphia to take tours and learn about it.
  • Went to Hershey for some fun at Hershey Park and Hershey World!
At Hollywood I…
  • Met Mario Lopez
  • Went to The Grove (A mall)
  • Won two KingPin Chairs at the 'Extra TV' giveaway
  • Went to the Hollywood sign
  • Walked down the Walk Of Fame
  • Went to the Chinese Theater 
And at my home country, I spent time with my family!

Gotta go, guys! TTYL :D

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Long Time No Type!


Its me, Skyzee! So... basically, I'm here on my SUMMER vacation. It took us almost 3 days to get here. I still have jetlag... (Which explains the reason why I am up at 4:36AM) All my relatives live here :3 

I might not post quite often, because I write things in my journal now... NO, My journal is not a diary... Well... Maybe it is.... Kinda... OKAY IT IS D: 

Anyway, today I was working on a new picture that I drew... Please do NOT steal this image. 

Is it aweshum or what? Okay, I have to go eat breakfast! Bye!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Bubba's New Haircut 2 :D

Hey guys! Remember when I said I'd post more pictures of Bubba with his new haircut? Well, he was being a scaredy pup, so I decided to post a video of him! 

Hope you enjoy it! Those who follow and comment are...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tamagotchi Color

Hola Como Estas? :D Hey guys, its me Skyzee! Did everyone have a good day? 

I'm here to talk about the not-so-new Tamagotchi Color. Remember Tamagotchi? The old little virtual pet in the shape of an egg? Well NEWSFLASH! They created a one with COLOR. Its an LCD Color screen!
I got one of these in Summer 2010, so they aren't that new.

Right now, my Tamagotchi JUST hatched c: So, another NEWSFLASH.  ALL THE TEXT ON THE TAMAGOTCHI COLOR IS IN JAPANESE.
Yeah. Its in Japanese. I'll be posting a tutorial on how to care for your Tama soon!


After tons of research I found the ENGLISH Tamagotchi instructions! 

Hope it helped!


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Peeps Peeps Peeps!

You prolly noticed.... Easter is over :c Sadly... 
But hey, I have some funny pics to share with you guys!

Poor peeps :c

Giant Peep o.o
Hope you guys like 'em! :D

A peep car!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bubba's New Haircut :D

So yeah, I came from from school today to see my little Bubba lookin' Spiff and Spaz!

Bubba Staring out the window.
He's been moping around and sulking, but I think he just hasn't gotten used to all of us cuddling him because he looks like a pup. Sorry the photo doesn't show you his face, but ya' know, Bubba has a phobia of cameras. It scared the POPTARTS outta him when I took ONE picture with the flash :c 

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, April 23, 2011

๏ Skyzee's Fuzfee UPDATES! ๏

๏ More Posts (Definitely) ๏ More Tutorials ๏ A new layout ๏ AND MORE!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chicky's Habitat

The Chicky's Habitat
This is the habitat!
So, I began creating a habitat for my little arts and crafts easter chick I got at an arts and crafts store! 
Here is the habitat from the top view.
I'll be posting a Tutorial Soon!

Friday, March 18, 2011

To FooPetters:

Hey guys! I was recently trying to help you out on how to make your FooPets webpage purple! 

Very Important: You must have Google Chrome to install this

Step 1:

Go to, and search in Stylish google chrome download:
Click the first one there. (The one labeled Stylish- Google Chrome Extension Gallery)

Step 2:

It will lead you to the download site. Click "Install" The installation process does not take long. 

Step 3:

The "Stylish" icon will appear in the corner of your search bar.

Click it, and this will pop up. Click "Find more styles for this site"

 Step 4:

It will lead you to this:

On the search bar at the top, search in ""

Step 5:

You'll find all the user submitted Stylish webpage edits. For the purple one, click "Foopets- Purple Redesign." This was by TaterDot.

Step 6:

Click "Install" and you are done!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

๏ Fuzfee UPDATE! ๏

Hey Guys, Zee ish back! 

I recently added a new chat box to the bottom of the website, so go check it out!

Now we can chat together non stop! 8D

To Chat, click "Go Large!" underneath the box!

๏ Zee 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

◍ Pocket Frogs!

Hey Guys! It's Zee here, to tell YOU about this UBER fun App in the AppStore!
It's called "PocketFrogs" and it is AMAZING! It's even... FREE! Basically, you raise frogs, earn money, buy things for your habitat, breed, play games, and chill out in the
pond! You can also get potions or stamps! Stamps can be used to deliver items 
from your mailbox more quickly, and potions are used to age your frog.

On Pocket Frogs, there is something called "Plus+". If you create an account,
you can become friends with others on PF, and receive or give gifts!

Add me on Plus+, my username is Jumpzee. First person to comment on this post
gets a FREE frog from me! 


Monday, March 7, 2011

☠ Groggeh! ☠

Hey guys :P It's Skyzee here! After a 30hr flight... I've arrived at my home-country!
It was pretty frustrating, because on all the planes, the TVs' were not HD TVs' DX
At least I had TVs'! Anyway, after all the flights and stuff, I'm pretty satisfied.. and groggy

Groggy definition:

dazed: stunned or confused and slow to react (as from blows or drunkenness or exhaustion)

Just because I'm groggy doesn't mean all of you guys should be groggy! Here's a hilarious video of a reaction to a roller-coaster!

The title of the video isn't really nice, but don't pay attention to that :L

Have a good one!


Saturday, March 5, 2011

๏ Fuzfee UPDATE! ๏

Welcome back guys! There has recently been a change to the site, and I hope you noticed! Fuzfee is now the official home of the llamas! The little llama is my fursona, Speckles x3 Anyway, under the title, you'll see a banner that says "Home of the Llamas!" and on the side, the squirrel has been replaced by Speckles! This will be changed after The Month of the Llama, which I created! In case you were wondering, the month of the Llama is March! Hope you like the new update!


Friday, March 4, 2011

Llama 8D

I'm trying to convert this site...Into a Llama site! Nothing much will change! Fuzfee on the left of the blog (rainbow squirrel) will remain there, but on the right, shall be a llama! 8D

To get you started on your llama collection, I shall give you a few llama badges!!

xD Have a great one~


Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Hola, guys! I'm UBER sorry I couldn't update this blog. School, school and more school >. >
Here's a video to cheer you up! It was my gerbil, Luna. Luna passed due to having a stroke, at 7 months old :( 

So,  how's life been for you guys? Wanna know 'bout mine? Check out my other blog, Live Laugh Love!


Sunday, February 6, 2011


I just realized, that I ADORE Domo Kun. If you have NO IDEA who Domo is, you are CRAZY. Domo is the creature seen above ^^ Domo can be easily mistaken for an oversized piece of toast. Although, I love DOMO 8D

Watch this video -----------------------> ^^

Then, watch more videos on YouTube 8D




Saturday, February 5, 2011


Oh my gizzer. That stoopid weatharr man >.> Yesterday it was supposed to snow. The weather man said so. I set my alarm clock to 12:AM, because it was supposed to snow then. I woke up when my alarm clock sounded, and RAN to the window. NO SNOW. I was all: "WHAAAA?!?!" I rubbed my eyes a couple times, but there was still no snow. Apparently there was a HUGE hot air pocket above where I live, melting all the snow. >.> That weather man gave me false hope. 

Another thing that makes me upset, is that, its alright when friends are rude, and mean to you, and they hurt your feelings....But it isn't alright when a parent says it. I mean, I ticked off my dad today and he got pretty mad...He said some hurtful things. So, dad, if you are reading this, I ish sorreh :( 


Friday, February 4, 2011

Meh Doggeh 8D

None of you probably know
this... I have a doggeh. His name ish Bubba! He is 10 years old, so...he ish 70 in doggeh years :) We adopted him, after his old owners were leaving to a country that didn't allow terriers. 

Oh yeah. Bubba is a terrier mix.
He enjoys playing with his toy...but only if it is tied to a string. He isn't usually
a playful dog, but he is loving. I'll be talking more about him.
~Zee <3~

Fuzfee? Lolwut?

Yesh, I bet you, that you are saying to yourself. Fuzfee? Lolwut? Well, to be honest, I don't know. I believe a Fuzfee is a rainbow squirrel, as seen above, but I still have no idea. Fuzfee is also the name of this awesome blog, which will be updated often, with fuzzy & Funny posts 8D This is my ka'billionth blog, so yeah, I'm pretty experienced x3 Be sure to follow me! Thanks for reading,